welcome to FARM FRESH QUALITY Living

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Ginger Goat Farm is the lifelong dream of Billy (Goat) and Angie (Ginger) ~ our mutual dream of creating and maintaining a natural lifestyle.

We try to blog as much as we can in TUMBLR

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About Us


Angie (Ginger), a born and raised Buckeye, was raised on a mini-farm as a kid. She showed chickens and rabbits at the county fair (and won some ribbons!) and snapped beans, dug potatoes, and pulled weeds. Angie has talked a big game for many years about moving back to the country and now that it is really happening, she admits that she may not know as much as she thought she did.

 As Billy, she welcomes a new challenge and is truly grateful that she has the opportunity to share this experience with him. 

ABOUT goat

Billy (Goat), a born and raised Bushwaker (seriously), is a true Renaissance Man. From fixing busted water pipes, discussing local and international concerns, and protecting Angie from things that go bump in the night, Billy is probably one of the handiest of men this side of the Mississippi River (and probably on the other side, too).

He welcomes a new challenge and is excited about all of the adventures, both new and unexpected, that he and Angie will face.

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